What happens online when I die?

Our online presence has become an integral part of our lives in the digital age. From email archives to social media profiles and various online accounts, we leave behind a substantial digital footprint.

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When your dog bites someone

When your dog bites someone, the liability may be covered by your homeowners policy, though there are exceptions.

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Earned Income and your 1040 Form

If you are simply reinvesting this income, you may want to consider moving the money to investments with the potential to grow tax-deferred.

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Fire Retirement

The FIRE movement represents a paradigm shift in how people approach financial stability and retirement.

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When Heirs are Imperfect

The money problems or bad lifestyle habits of adult children could lead to the squandering of any inheritance they receive.

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Critical Estate Documents

Sound estate management includes creating financial and healthcare documents. Here's an inside look.

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Estate Management Checklist

A will enables you to specify who you want to inherit your property and other assets. A will also enable you to name a guardian for your minor children.

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Preparing for Longevity

The financial aspect of longevity requires careful consideration; those nearing retirement age and those just starting work may have misconceptions about aging, not realizing that they may live much longer than their forebears.

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Traditional vs. Roth IRA

One or the other? Perhaps both traditional and Roth IRAs can play a part in your retirement plans.

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Investing with Your Heart

Some individuals believe that return on investment shouldn't be the only criterion for how they invest their money.

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Tax Deductions You Won’t Believe

While Americans are entitled to take every legitimate deduction to manage their taxes, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) places limits on your creativity.

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